Friday, January 20, 2012

Shy Yoga Newbie

             Okay, I will be the first to admit that my introduction into a studio class almost never happened. I was a closet dvd person too shy for even my husband to watch me do yoga. One day I finally couldn't take it any more with trying to learn on my own. With lots of deep breathes I cracked open my laptop and went straight to Google. My first studio choice wasn’t based on reviews, but the simple fact of they fit into my work schedule. I called with my voice already feeling shaky and hung up on the kind gentleman that answered the phone. Yeah wasn't looking too positive…I tried again. He told me the beginner vinyasa class was a good choice and to come in. Alright seemed simple enough until I refused to leave my car for 20 minutes trying to think of any reason to skip out.  I caved and finally walked in and met the nice man who I so rudely hung up on. I got shown around and laid my mat down by the door for easy escape.  The teacher introduced herself to me and had the warmest smile on her face. Okay I felt calm and in good hands. It probably took 5 more classes later before I would even stop to talk to anyone. When class was over I rolled up my mat and was gone before someone even had the chance to say boo. I finally braved up and asked about taking more classes including the intermediate vinyasa. Now I am finishing teachers training.

             My whole point is that no matter how shy you think you are you can take a studio yoga class.  You will find at a good studio that there is nothing but welcome people with no judgments.  That warm smile that my teacher gave me was all I need because by the end of class my shy tush had a smile too. The hardest part for people to realize is NO ONE IS STARING AT YOU! Yeah hard to believe I know, but everyone’s world is their mat and the teacher.  It is a hard to sell anyone on that until they get in the class. Our focus is on the breathe and not the bodies next to us.  If you are super shy talk with the studio manager, and they can tell you which classes have generally less people or more if a crowd helps you to feel comfortable.  When you get there and look around the room you will see other just like you with worry on their face. YOU’RE NOT ALONE! 

             A few things though that might occur sending you fleeing for the hills, chanting, teacher adjustments or the strange noises your body may make. I won’t go into too much details as they will be addressed in later posts, but yes there might be a chanting of an om. If you have no clue or choose not to chant that is perfectly fine.  You can sit nicely and just work on your breathe.  No one will stand above you with a whip waiting for you to chant on command.  I believe you pay extra for that one…jk.  I went to the studio because I wanted to learn the right way which meant my teacher had to touch my body to help understand what in the world it should be doing.  Most teachers will make sure you see them coming and let you know what they are trying.  They come to you with good intentions. If it bothers you tell them your okay and they might verbalize or show you the correction.  As teachers we want to help you! Last but not least your body may make noises. It will happen sometime in your yoga class life. There is no avoiding it. Just smile and know that you made space in your body or helped someone smile and go deeper in there pose...again it happens to EVERYONE.

            Hopefully at this point you are not recoiling back in your chair going hell no or insert whatever other language might spring to mind. All of us start somewhere being either dvds, books or a friend. We all come for different reasons and are nervous the first time we throw our mat down. So call a studio, drive and take a look from the outside, but if you find your toes have made it in through the door…the hardest part is over. You’re in and on your way.

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