Sunday, January 22, 2012

Quieting the White Rabbit

I'm late , I'm late, For a very important date. No time to say "Hello, Goodbye". I'm late, I'm late, I'm late. 

-White Rabbit via Alice in Wonderland

The poor white rabbit...wait a sec that is me! Okay so I admit that when I roll out of bed most days it sounds like the above quote. It then leads to stress and more mishaps as I try to pull my day together. Time to press pause. If we start this day off with this mentality it ends in shear disappointment. We have conceived of every possible thing on the planet that must get done, so we have already set ourselves up for an epic fail. Why do we do that? Even on my best days I realize I don't have the super powers to complete everything on my list. I do however have the power to slow down the mind.  You could also think of it as putting a gag in the bunny's mouth to stop that destructive train of that. How is it done? Take a big inhale and exhale...the breath!

If we can control our breath then we slow down the mind. Simple and anyone can do it. All you need to do is breathe which I assume is occurring or reading this might be difficult.  People with panic attacks already know of this concept because they have to regain control of their breathing to calm themselves down. I speak from experience and it seems like no simple task when your heart is leaping out of your chest as you lie in a bathtub trying to regain focus. Been there, done that and focusing on my breathing saved my tush every time. Just think of when you get scared or push yourselves to hard in the gym because your breath is the first alarm that something is up. Your breathing becomes labored which then sends the mind into a tail spin that impending doom is about to happen. Okay so telling your mind just to shut it would seem like the simple answer, but imagine that the mind is playing stubborn. Words won't work but by slowing your breathing and taking breathes in and out through the nostrils gives the body some comfort. Why is that? Breathing labored through your mouth makes your body think that it is starving for air...yeah I know an over reaction. Slowing your breath is like giving a pacifier to a baby to soothe it. We calm the mind and give it a chance to pause. We gain control back over what is going on and become aware of that very moment and tell our mind it is fine so please hush now. 

It is a practice anyone can do anywhere and enter meditation. Some people I think hear meditation and go I could never sit that long, hum, chant or find the time. My little secret...just sit everyday even if it is for 5 minutes. Hey you can sit longer and I do when I get the chance, but just do it everyday. Think about your daily schedule and I promise there is at least 5 minutes in there to start.  I roll out of bed and no I am not a morning person by far,  but I go to the bathroom and walk the dog. It gets me out of my zombie state and then I plop my tush down and meditate. What is meditation? Wow it deserves its' own post but the short of it is working on being aware all the time. Aware to pause see what is going on upstairs in the head and gain control. To be present at that very moment and tell the mind no you don't need to go there.  Imagine those 5 little minutes of sitting there and  focusing on the breath will shut that little white rabbit up and lead to a happy day. Heck yeah I will bite and give it a shot!  Find a place where you can sit comfortably or even find a chair with feet on the ground. Try eyes closed or even open and focusing ahead at something. I tried looking at a candle and yeah that went to a dark place for me and distracted me more. Then I tried looking at the smoke of the incense burning before I got to closed eyes. Give whatever you thing will work a shot.   Listen to your breath and how it fills your body with life a.k.a. prana our life force. Anytime your mind goes wow I want a tall soy chai latte and it will go somewhere, but bring it back to your breath. The breath is beautiful and notice the quality because without that breath giving your body life Starbucks is not happening. You learn that by using your breath that you can quiet the upstairs, and trust me it will put up a fight. The mind is very stubborn and doesn't wanna give you control, well I say to that sit and show it who's boss. 

I get asked well how do I know I am doing it right? Ready for this will know when it happens. Wow so not the answer you are looking for but imagining concentrating as the first step, then just being there and aware without having to concentrate. Play around with it because it does not happen after just 3 times of sitting. I have ocd and anxiety issues and it took months to get there, but everyday I sat made my day better. Before I could freak and start an ocd tic or ritual I was able to pause. If only I could explain what a blessing it is to get my mind to take a pause.  It is worth it I promise!  I get to control my mind and make it pause when it beings to stress or see that dang white rabbit.  

Give it a try  everyday to work on your breath and meditating. Will it always be quiet when you meditate...umm no this is life! Dog barks, hubby/wife asks for breakfast, kids are up, but you can still do it. It is an amazing tool that we can carry with us at all times. Just breathe and you will be able to get through whatever the day may bring, where ever the mind may go and have the ability to put a sock in the rabbit's mouth. 

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